We Help Crypto Projects Grow and Develop.
a crypto
why you should work with us
Coverage by top-tier media outlets
Through our partnerships with the largest media outlets in fintech and crypto, we ensure our clients get the maximum exposure to 100M+ audience.
A team with 5+ years of experience in the crypto market
A Crypto executive team has successfully built a top-tier multi-million annual revenue crypto exchange with 100+ employees from zero.
Customized packages suitable for your business strategy
Choose exchanges you want to be listed on or pick one of the A Crypto packages. Pay exclusive listing fees with our partner exchanges (lower than the market).
Introductions to VCs and deal room preparation
We help with the creation of brief, pitch deck, and investor video from experts in Venture Capital and introduce our clients to our network of VCs and Angel Investors.
24/7 reliable support
We understand the main pain points of our customers and know how to scale a business. Our managers are ready to help your project grow on 24/7 basis.
Access to the best solutions in tokenomics, IDOs, NFT drops
We use tailored approach and knowledge from industry leaders. Our team is ready to help with participation in the largest offline and online crypto conferences.
Our team united to bring all the main services needed by the early crypto project together. Our network comprise 100+ crypto companies.
Extensive network of 100+ companies
Guarantees of the best Listing Price on 20+ CEXs
We are partnered with 20+ CEXes with exclusive listing pricing and attractive conditions from different tiers to meet any project's needs.
Access to top markets and increase in token value
Balance out supply and demand for the token to make it less volatile and to protect your traders. Reduce risk for investors in your token by ensuring low slippage and tight spreads.
how we
can help
your project
A Crypto is not just a listing company; not just a marketing company; not just a fundraising company. It is all these businesses integrated together to create the one-stop solution for innovative Web3 projects.
01 Listing on CEX
05 Coverage in Crypto Media Outlets (press releases, articles, PRs, banner ads, influencers etc.)
04 Listing on Crypto Aggregators (CMC, Coingecko etc.)
08 Pitch room
03 Listing on a Crypto Exchange Platform
07 Market Making
02 Listing on DEXs
06 Investment Attraction
Get listed on 20+ Centralized exchanges for lower-than-official prices in the shortest possible time.
Increase your global presence and work with only premier partners while getting the best value for every dollar you invest in top crypto media marketing campaigns.
We will help you to submit the required forms and to speed up the listing process using our extensive network.
Get a secure help in creating brief, pitch, and investor video and get introduced to an extensive network of VCs and angel investors.
Our expertise and trusted contacts will release your currency as soon as possible on the most needed crypto exchange platforms.
Ensure adequate liquidity in your token order books to attract new traders and get your project to top-100 CMC.
Enjoy full decentralization by listing on top DEXs. We will introduce you to the exchanges' teams and will help you to follow their listing procedure.
Increase brand awareness and expose your project to our extensive network of more than 500 crypto VCs.
our clients
& partners
We help significant projects to grow together with us
how it works
Call/chat with our team to identify your business needs AND decide on expected budget
Receive the most suitable package from our team OR construct package by yourself
Sign agreement and make payment
Get listed on chosen exchanges, MMs and enjoy marketing and consulting services
How can my project partner with A CRYPTO?
Should I have a token/coin in order to work with A CRYPTO?
What if I only need a few of your services and not all of them?
I have a limited budget. Can I still get listings, MM and marketing for my token?
All you need to do is submit a form on our website or contact us via email [email protected], and we will come back to you within 48 hours with a reply. We will try to identify your needs at first and have a call to discuss in detail how we can help your project.
No, having token/coin is not necessary to become our client. If you do not need listings and MM, we can also work on building effective and cost-efficient marketing package and attracting investments to your project.
We only provide services that you really need and do not push you to buy all of them. As we identify your business strategy and needs, we create a custom-made package that is going to help your project to grow and develop.
Sure. We have special prices and discounts with all of our prices. So, if you are going to work with us, you will save not just your time, but also money. We have different packages for different budgets, and our goal is to help you get the most result of the budget you currently have.
grow and develop with us
Please leave your request, and we will contact you shortly to discuss the details